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Equine Boarding

Horse boarding is available to all of our students, as well as to adults and outside clients. The Sacred Heart Equestrian Center offers a variety of service packages that include training and full care. Included with stall board is hay, grain, and turnout. We provide soft thick bedding and the stalls are cleaned once a day, seven days a week. Pasture board is available as well to students riding in the program. Please call 337-662-3920 or email for more information regarding prices.

The Sacred Heart Equestrian Center is housed on a 255 acre campus in Grand Coteau, LA. On this beautiful campus the Equestrian Center facilities include:

  • Two barns with twenty-three available stalls with an automatic fly spray system
  • Three locking tack rooms
  • Two wash racks with hot and cold water
  • One 120’ x 220’ outdoor arena
  • One 100’ x 200’ outdoor arena
  • Spacious pasture turnout and individual paddocks
  • A new 100’ x 200’ covered arena is now open